
NABH Standards for Dental Healthcare Service Providers: Access Assessment and Continuity of care

NABH Accreditation Standards for Dental Health Care Providers  have been outlined in two parts: (A) & (B). Each part has been divided into 5 chapters.


(A) Patient Centered Standards

  1. Access, Assessment and Continuity of Care (AAC)
  2. Care of Patients (COP)
  3. Management of Dental Material and Medication (MOM)
  4. Patient Rights and Education (PRE)
  5. Hospital Infection Control (HIC)

(B) Organization Centered Standards

  1. Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI)
  2. Responsibilities of Management (ROM)
  3. Facilities Management and Safety (FMS)
  4. Human Resource Management (HRM)
  5. Information Management Systems (IMS)


Here we shall discuss them one by one.


(A) Patient Centered Standards: 


Chapter 1: Access Assessment and Continuity of care (AAC)

It has been further subdivided into 9 topics.

AAC.1: The organisation defines and displays the services that it can provide.

AAC.2: The organisation has a well-documented registration, admission, and transfer for referral process.

AAC.3: Patient care for by organisation undergo an established initial assessment.

AAC.4: Patient care is a continuous process and all patient care for by the organisation undergo a regular assessment.

AAC.5: Clinical laboratory services are provided as per the requirements of the patients.

AAC.6: There should be an established laboratory safety program.

AAC.7: Imaging services should be provided as per the requirements of the patients.

AAC.8: The organisation should have a documented process for generating and maintaining OPD records of patient care.

AAC.9: The organisation should have a documented discharge process and contents of discharge summary.

Note: One can always consult the booklet for further information, from the NABH website.

