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Oral Leukoplakia
Oral leukoplakia (OL) is a clinical term for a nonremovable white lesion that is not easily recognisable as any particular condition and th...
Stages and Phases of Anaesthesia
Assessment of the depth of anaesthesia Anaesthesia has been described as a series of four Stages. Stage 1 The period between administratio...
Photograph showing Pulpal hyperaemia. While bacteria are still some distance from the pulp, acid permeating along the dentinal tubules gives...
Root Apex-Anatomical And Physiological Foramen
Anatomical and physiological forament of the root Apical constriction (Physiological foramen) is considered narrowest diameter of the ro...
Dental Caries-Part 6: Prevention
Fig1: Caries free beautiful teeth with proper maintenance # The carious process can be termed as metabolic activity in the plaque. The resu...
Dental Caries-Part 5: Clinical Aspect of Caries Pathology
Arrested caries and remineralization Pre-Cavitation, or “white spot” caries lesions, can stop when the balance between demineralizat...
Dental Caries-Part 4: Dentine Caries
Normal Structure of Dentin Dentine is the part of the tooth that is covered by enamel and covers the pulp tissues. It comprises of inorganic...
Dental Caries-Part 3: Enamel Caries
Clinical and Histological Features of Dental Caries Now we shall describes the clinical features of carious lesions on smooth, occlusal, a...
Dental Caries-Part 3: Video series
Lecture Series on Dental Caries To watch video lectures, click at the following links 1. Introduction 2. Etiology of dental caries 3. Bacter...
Dental Caries-Part 2: Treatment Planning
In this chapter, you will know about the treatment planning of dental caries . In previous chapter you studies the etio-pathogenesis and cli...
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