Academy of Dental Knowledge
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MALOCCLUSION Proposed by Edward H. Angle in 1890, the Angle Classifications are based on the relationship of the buccal groove of the mandib...
Bleeding Disorder
Bleeding disorders: dental considerations Acquired or congenital bleeding disorders of dental treatment concern include haemophilia, von W...
Congestive Heart Failure
Congestive Heart Failure Congestive heart failure or h eart failure occurs when the heart muscle weakens and doesn't pump enough bloo...
Prophylactic antibiotic regimen for infective endocarditis in dental procedures
Antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended for invasive dental procedures that involve the manipulation of gingival tissue or periapical region o...
The laboratory findings in haemophilia will be as follows. APTT (activated partial prothrombin time) -prolonged PT (prothrombin time)-normal...
Oral Erythroplakia
Oral Erythroplakia Erythroplakia is a clinical term for a potentially malignant fiery red lesion that cannot be attributed to any particular...
Antimicrobials used in dentistry
Antimicrobials used in dentistry Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to destroy or inhibit the growth of cells. Two broad classes of chemot...
Parotid Fistula
Normally there is one opening of the parotid gland which is located in buccal vestibule opposite the upper 2nd molar tooth. Parot...
Injections Techniques
Darsogluteal Intramuscular Injections
Kaposi sarcoma
Kaposi sarcoma (in AIDS): Important points to remember about Kaposi Sarcoma Kaposi's sarcoma is a type of cancer that forms ...
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