
The laboratory findings in haemophilia will be as follows.

APTT (activated partial prothrombin time) -prolonged

PT (prothrombin time)-normal

BT (bleeding time)-normal [1] or increased [2]

Factor VIII-C- low

Factor VIIIR:Ag [von Willebrand factor] and factor VIIIR:RCo [Ristocetin cofactor]-normal


  1. Crispian Scully, Roderick A. Cawson Medical problems in dentistry page 142 5th Ed. 
  2. https://www.cdc.gov/ncbddd/hemophilia/diagnosis.html

Oral Erythroplakia

Oral Erythroplakia

Erythroplakia is a clinical term for a potentially malignant fiery red lesion that cannot be attributed to any particular condition.

Signs and Symptoms

Lesions are usually asymptomatic and isolated, and commonly appear on the floor of the mouth, tongue, soft palate and buccal mucosa. Lesions may appear as smooth, velvety, granular or nodular plaques, often with clear margins.

Antimicrobials used in dentistry

Antimicrobials used in dentistry

Chemotherapy is the use of chemicals to destroy or inhibit the growth of cells. Two broad classes of chemotherapeutic agents are used in pharmacology: 

  1. antimicrobials and 
  2. anticancer drugs. 

The basis of antimicrobial chemotherapy is a differential sensitivity of the patient and microbe cells to the action of the drug. The drug may affect a structural component of the target cell which is not found in the patient, for example, the bacterial cell wall. Alternatively, a chemotherapeutic agent may inhibit a metabolic pathway peculiar to the microbe cells, for example, synthesis of folate.

Parotid Fistula

     Normally there is one opening of the parotid gland which is located in buccal vestibule opposite the upper 2nd molar tooth.

     Parotid fistula is a patent tract connecting a parotid gland or duct to the exterior apart from the parotid duct opening.

Photo 1. Pre-operative picture of parotid fistula with leakage of serous fluid from the fistulous tract and scarring of surrounding area (red circle) [1]

     Parotid fistula may be of two types

    1. Glandular: It arises directly from gland. It shows minimal discharge during rest or eating.
2. Ductal: It arises from duct. It shows profuse discharge during eating.

Parotid fistula may be extra oral or intraoral.

Extraoral fistulas are seen in the preauricular region or near the angle of mandible (see photo 1 and 2).

Photo 2. showing discharge of serous fluid from the right cheek in the angle of mandible region [2]

1. After superficial parotidectomy.
2. After drainage of parotid abscess.
3. After biopsy or Trauma.
4. Post surgical

Clinical Features
1.  Discharging fistula in the parotid region of the face, and discharge is more during eating.
2. Tenderness and induration.
3. Trismus if it gets infected

1.  Sialography to find out the origin of the fistula whether from the parotid gland or duct or ductules.
2. Fistulogram or CT fistulogram.
3. Culture of discharge if infection is suspected
4. MRI to assess soft tissues involvement

Ø Surgical stripping of the fistula tract
Ø Anticholinergics in post-operative period- Hyoscine bromide (Probanthine) reduce discharge
Ø Immediate post surgical fistulas can close spontaneously in such cases
Ø Newman Seabrock's operation: used for removal of anomalous arotid fistula
Ø If there is stenosis at the orifice of the Stenson's duct, papillotomy at the orifice may help.
Ø Total conservative parotidectomy is done in failed cases conserving the facial nerve

Injections Techniques

Darsogluteal Intramuscular Injections

Kaposi sarcoma


Kaposi sarcoma (in AIDS):

Important points to remember about Kaposi Sarcoma

Kaposi's sarcoma is a type of cancer that forms in the lining of blood and lymph vessels.

Kaposi's sarcoma or oral cavity

Kaposi's sarcoma of the skin

Clinical Features

  • It is the most common malignancy in AIDS.
  • It is associated with the infection with a virus called the Kaposi sarcoma associated herpesvirus (KSHV), also known as human herpesvirus 8 (HHV8).
  • The commonly affected sites are palate, gingiva, tongue, and oropharynx or the skin of the face and feet.
  • It is seen early in the course of the disease. It can sometimes be confused with Bacillary angiomatosis.
  • There is a specific histologic stain for Kaposi sarcoma known as Warthin-Starry stain.
  • With the use of HAART, incidence of KS is decreasing and soon NHL may become the most common malignancy associated with AIDS.


Cemento Osseous Dysplasia

Cemento-osseous dysplasia (COD) is a benign fibro-osseous lesion of bone characterized by the replacement of normal bone by fibrous tissue and subsequently followed by its calcification with osseous and cementum-like material. It arises from the fibroblasts of the periodontal ligaments.

It is mostly asymptomatic in nature and requires no treatment. When secondarily infected, it becomes symptomatic and intervention is required.
Orthopantamogram showing a well-defined radiopaque mass in the right mandible region extending from the distal root of 45 to the mesial root of 47 [1]

As per WHO, there are three clinical presentation of cemento-osseous dysplasia.

  1. Periapical
  2. Focal
  3. Florid

Periapical cemento-osseous dysplasia

These occur in the anterior mandible and involve only a few adjacent teeth.

Focal cemento-osseous dysplasia.

involve few teeth in posterior mandible

Florid cemento-osseous dysplasia or Familial gigantiform cementoma

It is a more extensive form. it occurs bilaterally in mandible or in all jaw quadrants.

Periapical Granuloma

The cells of periapical granuloma which are predominantly lymphocytes increase by division at the periphery. 

There are hyperaemia and oedema of the PDL; localised increase in the vascularity leads to local bone resorption mediated by osteoclast mediated delayed hypersensitivity. In the specimen slide, cholesterol crystals having needle-like appearance, and eosinic hyaline bodies known as Rushton bodies are seen. Macrophages and multinucleated giant cells are also seen. Epithelium is present.

The cells in the centre are separated from their source of nutrition; hence degenerate and liquefy. This results in an epithelium lined cavity filled with fluid known as periapical cyst.

Treatment involves RCT with apicoectomy or extraction with curettage.